While many refer to ES6 as the latest JavaScript standard, the reality is more nuanced. ES6, or ECMAScript 2015, introduced significant enhancements to JavaScript but subsequent versions have brought further advancements. This blog aims to clarify the evolution of JavaScript standards beyond ES6 and their impact on development practices.
Evolution of JavaScript Standards
Originally known as JavaScript, the language’s name was changed to ECMAScript due to trademark issues with Oracle. ECMAScript 5 (ES5) emerged as the primary JavaScript standard in 2009, with widespread browser support expected. However, Internet Explorer lagged behind, offering only partial compatibility with ES5.
ES6 and Beyond
Contrary to the planned 10-year freeze, ECMAScript 2015, colloquially known as ES6, arrived in 2015, ushering in a wave of powerful new features. Despite its transformative impact, not all browsers fully supported ES6, prompting developers to utilize compilers like Babel for backward compatibility with older browsers.
Annual Updates
Following ES6, subsequent versions of ECMAScript were released annually until 2018, each introducing incremental improvements rather than groundbreaking changes.

While ES6 garnered significant attention, newer versions like ES7, ES8, and ES9 received less fanfare, largely due to their minor nature compared to ES6.
Community Perception
Despite the steady evolution of ECMAScript standards, discussions in developer forums and documentation often focus on ES5 and ES6. This tendency stems from the perception that newer versions offer only minor updates compared to ES6, leading to their relative neglect in mainstream discourse.
Key Features
ES5 introduced vital functionalities like array methods (forEach, map, filter) and object manipulation tools (getters, setters). ES6 brought forth significant additions such as arrow functions, classes, and promises, while subsequent versions continued to refine the language with features like async-await (ES8) and async iterables (ES9).
While ES6 marked a pivotal moment in JavaScript’s evolution, subsequent versions of ECMAScript have brought valuable refinements to the language. Despite their importance, these newer versions often receive less attention in developer discussions, overshadowed by the monumental impact of ES6. Nonetheless, understanding the ongoing evolution of JavaScript standards is crucial for staying abreast of the latest language features and development practices.